Green Tea Weight Loss

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Green tea in a cup

Green Tea and Weight Loss: A Closer Look

Can green tea aid in weight loss? Evidence suggests it might.

The idea gained mainstream attention in 2004 when Oprah Winfrey featured Dr. Perricone on her show. Dr. Perricone claimed that substituting green tea for coffee could lead to a weight loss of 10 pounds in six weeks. He explained that green tea modifies metabolism, has thermogenic properties, and acts as a mild diuretic, which collectively contribute to weight loss.  He explained that coffee raises blood sugar and insulin, whilst green tea lowers it. 

Unlike other teas made from the Camellia sinensis plant, green tea is steamed rather than fermented, preserving its potent antioxidants. These antioxidants are known to combat various modern health issues including cancer, arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and what's commonly referred to as 'metabolic syndrome.'

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Scientific Backing

Green tea consumption is widespread in countries like China and Japan. Notably, a study highlighted that despite 75% of Japanese men smoking, the rate of heart disease remains relatively low, potentially hinting at the health benefits of green tea, but one set of data cannot be regarded as conclusive, just possibly connected. 

Green tea has less caffeine than instant coffee and I experienced no notable side effects which some people report, like being a diuretic or purgative - I needed no extra trips to the bathroom.

Green tea weight loss - my personal experience

There has been much research and I'm not for one minute making any wild claims that green tea is the wonder drug of the 21st century.

Having switched from coffee to green tea without making any other lifestyle changes, I noticed a weight loss of approximately 3 pounds in the first week (that could have been due to not using milk). After six weeks, the total weight loss stood at 7 pounds. The change in my waistline was noticeable and my trousers fit better.  

Thermogenic Properties and Metabolism

Dr. Perricone elaborated that green tea’s weight-loss effects are due to its thermogenic properties, which increase the metabolic rate, extending beyond the immediate effect of drinking the tea. This aspect is similar to the post-exercise metabolic boost that helps burn calories even after the activity has ceased.

 Personal Anecdotes and Recommendations

Sophie Dahl, for example, credited green tea for her weight loss, taking her from a size 14/16 to a size 10. Victoria Beckham too cites green tea as being thermogenic and part of her weight maintenance programme. Numerous other testimonials align with this, affirming that green tea can facilitate weight loss without drastic dietary changes. My personal journey reinforced that switching to green tea made losing 7 pounds in six weeks effortless.

While green tea is an acquired taste, especially for regular coffee or tea drinkers, there are various blends to explore until you find one you enjoy. It is essential to note that while green tea can aid metabolism and support dieting, it should complement rather than replace a balanced diet. A consistent intake of green tea might lead to a cumulative weight loss over a year. 

Health Benefits Beyond Weight Loss

Green tea is not only beneficial for weight loss but also a healthier alternative to coffee. It’s rich in antioxidants, helps eliminate toxins, aids digestion, and curbs hunger. Moreover, scientific studies suggest that green tea combats free radicals, which are linked to cancer and heart disease.

An article here shows a statistically significant difference in women with polycystic ovary syndrome with half taking green tea and half not - Green tea promotes weight loss in women with polycystic ovary syndrome

But green tea tastes disgusting - h'm... it is an acquired taste - it does taste bitter to begin with and might take you a week or so to get used to it. Black tea is pretty bitter without milk and so is coffee. 

Try brewing it for just 30 seconds to begin with - even less if it is still too bitter - and then build it up to one or two minutes. 

Three or four cups a day should be enough - there are so many different types and brands to choose from, it can seem a bit overwhelming. Try some different ones and see which you prefer. 


Overall, green tea appears to be a healthy and effective tool for weight loss. Even small amounts can make a difference, and while opinions vary on the exact quantity needed to see significant results, the consensus is that it does no harm—only good. 

If you try it, let me know what your results are - tell me how much you drank and how it affected your weight. Use this contact here to let me know.

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