The Herb Guide Monthly Mint Issue

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This issue focuses on mint and gives you a selection of great features and posts that I think you'll love.

Click on the links below to read more - please leave feedback if you want to - good or bad - and as Al knows, I listen to feedback ;-)

Mint growing outdoors in a pot

Growing mint is easy - the hard thing is to stop it taking over once it's established.

A good trick is to put it in a large plant pot like this one on the left here.

There are over 600 varieties of mint would you believe?

Find out how to grow mint indoors and outdoors and about its potential diseases.

If you're pregnant, you must avoid Pennyroyal Read more

Mint and Rosemary Playdoh

Herbal play dough

This is a fabulous recipe from a friend of mine, Angela, from who writes a wonderful blog giving tons of kids activities.

She's a mother, qualified herbalist and teacher and combines her passions on her site.

Visit her here to get the full recipe for making this Mint and Rosemary Playdoh , plus five other herby craft ideas that are simple to put together and links to goodness knows how many more.

I hate throwing stuff away and love finding ways of using old things - searching for ideas, I found this novel idea for using old boots - they would really lend themselves to herbs as well as being useful for colorful bedding.

Do you have any old shoes or boots that you've filled with plants? Send me your photos and I'll share them.

Using old boots as plant containers in the garden

Photos courtesy of Andrew Bowden  Ken Bosma Flickr Creative Commons Licence

Another unusual idea is upcycling an old pallet to make a vertical garden!

I have seen so many photographs on the internet with pallets planted up with herbs and here Janie Pendleton shows you how to do it. I adore her and wish she was my neighbour.

Janie has hundreds of videos on YouTube - cooking, gardening, household projects and Bible studies with her lovely husband, John - she has a huge family, looks about twenty years old and her energy amazes me. You'll love her stuff, I promise. I can spend hours watching her videos. She's just done a series of cook ahead freezer meals, a once a month cook idea. Do check out more of her videos when you've watched this one.

This is the adult only video - how to make the perfect Mojito.

Tom Macy shows you how - yum yum!!

Mint steam inhalation

Finally, there's a short article on five great health benefits of mint.

There are over 600 varieties of mint, but the one that is generally used for remedies is Mentha piperata - peppermint.

It is so versatile - respiratory problems, digestion, skin, nausea and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Read more

Well, this really is the final bit.  Meet Justine Thyme and Sweet Cicely - my cartoon character creations.

They will be my Calendar Girls at the year end, featuring on a calendar that you'll be able to download and maybe on some other products through the year.


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