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Garlic Issue - Cold and Flu Remedy, Baby Cold Help and lots more October 19, 2015 |
Hello I hope that you are well. Issue 4 of The Herb Magazine has now been published. Thank you for the feedback for the first three issues - I'm really grateful. The focus this issue is garlic, recipes, remedies and preserving advice. Also natural weedkiller and how diapers can help your plants grow - a video from Grant, the King of Random! Click on the photo of the cover below to read more about it. Incidentally, if any of you are writers, website owners, bloggers or similar, I am taking submissions for the magazine. It's a free advert for your products or visitor boost for your site. Let me know if you want to submit something for inclusion or if you have any suggestions for people I might approach who would be interested. I am loving the Introductory Herbal Course I've signed up for from the world famous Herbal Academy of New England. I have completed Unit 2 and you can read my experiences and thoughts in the magazine. Do have a look at the course, you'll find it really interesting. I'm so impressed with the content of it. They are upgrading their website at the moment - there's an early bird discount available up until the beginning of November when their new website is being launched. There are a lot of different courses, up to and including Professional and Entrepreneurial Courses - individual courses to packages. ![]() Like the Facebook Page to receive regular updates as well - I do post most days, something funny, useful or thought provoking. It's a great place to interact and I will see your questions or comments immediately. Herb Magazine Facebook page If you like the magazine I would love it if you could leave me a review in the App - that would be fabulous! I'd love contributions or questions for me to answer in the magazine, so get in touch if you have something you want to ask or send in. Issue 5 is sage and 6 is rosemary - get your questions and contributions in fast. OK - so that's it for now - hope to see you next time. Bye for now All the best Liz
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I have written an eCourse 8 Essential Culinary Herbs which I am giving away to people who subscribe to my eZine. If you have not yet downloaded this, then please go to this invitation page and complete the form to get your copy delivered to your inbox. If you have any questions or comments, then please go
here. That page is for public comsumption - if you want a private email, then use the contact page on the navbar. I would love to hear from you.
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